2021 Season Hunters
2021 was a strange year for sure for many different reasons. The unprecedented Federal over-reach is concerning for sure, but it did not greatly affect our hunting season. We were able to take non-resident bear hunters this spring, unlike last year. The bear population is definitely on the rebound, and Bruce Dore took a very nice Boar early in the season. Jake Downs came up with his Buddy, Ryan Routier from South Dakota in August to try for early season Blacktails. We were plagued by some fog and bad weather and only got 3 days on the mountain. Jake did manage to arrow a buck with his recurve which filled out his North American Deer Slam! He is quite a predator.
Alicia’s son, Jacob is now an Alaskan Resident and joined us for our annual Bering River Moose hunt. He killed his first bull, a 56” dandy. I took a small bull as well, so we have plenty of meat for the freezer. I finally bought a Honda Capstan winch to use to drag the moose out of the field instead of packing them, and I must say I will probably never put a load of moose meat on my back again. It worked out great!
Mountain Goat season opened on September 15 to some very nice weather. Eric Bethune, Mike Lovewell and Jason Hondros all had archery kills. Jason’s goat green scored 53” which ties the current P&Y World Record and Mike killed his with a longbow. Eric killed a very nice P&Y Billy and has a great story on Bowsite. Unfortunately, we got 24” of snow up in the goat country on September 24 and it really changed the game. Archery hunting was out of the question but we did take 4 more nice Bilies with Rifles. Ryan Dicharry shot a very large Billy which unfortunately broke off both of his horns on the fall. His taxidermist said there would be no problem mounting it with artificial horns. Jackie and Joey Robinson from Georgia each killed Mountain Goats and Brown Bears on our combo hunt. Overall, we had 13 goat hunters taking 11 goats, and it was a very good season despite the snow.
We did a deer hunt over Thanksgiving with Guides Zach and Bryan, Packers Jeremiah and Cory, and other friends and family. Overall there were 8 hunters and they took 14 bucks and 3 does in a day and a half. The rut was in full swing and the deer were right down on the beach because of the snow. Hopefully this winter will not be too hard on the game populations.
We are full for Goats for 2022 but have a couple of Brown Bear openings both spring and fall. We have more availability for 2023 and beyond. Best Wishes for the New Year and Good Hunting to everyone!